

Page history last edited by Sven 14 years ago

Tokyo Cabinet Wiki


This is an unofficial page to collect links of Tokyo Cabinet, Tokyo Tyrant and related projects. Current versions are: Tokyo Cabinet 1.4.47, Tokyo Tyrant 1.1.41.


Official Content








Introductory Topics



Advanced Topics







Extending TC/TT 

  • Extending Tokyo Cabinet DB with Lua(igvita.com) = MUST READ. Lua is Javascript like super fast script embedded in TT. It explains how you can use Lua  to extend TT like Redis set's and Couch MapReduce. With links to slide and video pages as well.




Backup and Recovery




Third Party Libraries

( There are standard libraries provided by the author at http://1978th.net/tokyocabinet/)







Tokyo Cabinet API:

  • pytc = standard bindings (BDB, HDB)
  • tc = Python bindings (based on pytc, added support for TDB)
  • python-tokyocabinet = Python bindings (a complete wrapper; BDB, HDB, TDB)

Tokyo Tyrant API:

  • Pyrant = A pure-Python dict-like API for Tokyo Tyrant (based on PyTyrant and PyTableTyrant).


  • Doqu (ex PyModels/Docu) = A lightweight schema/query framework for document databases (from in-memory and DBM to MongoDB). Native support for Tokyo Cabinet TDB (directly and via Tyrant).

Plugins, reusable applications:





http://github.com/hillegass/BNRPersistence =A library to use Tokyo Cabinet for iPhone & Cocoa. 

http://github.com/edvakf/node-tokyocabinet =  Tokyo Cabinet binding for Node.js. So far only implemented interfaces defined in tokyocabinet.idl.


http://github.com/actsasflinn/node-tyrant = A node.js module for the Tokyo Tyrant database 


Sample Projects (To explore the possible use case of TC/TT)



Other libraries/frameworks which utilize TC/TT



Who uses Tokyo Cabinet/Tokyo Tyrant?

  • mixi.jp = Japan's biggest Social Network
  • Ravelry = Online knitting and crochet community with 3.6 mil view per day
  • Netvibes =  To store all users feeds. Use case slide 
  • Plakatt =  Event sharing site, to store user actions, search and explore queries, ad and promotion configurations


Use Case Interviews



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